A Decade of Oaks Wealth Management
Ten years ago, I took a leap of faith and launched Oaks Wealth Management. It doesn’t feel like a decade has passed—it seems like just yesterday I was stepping out on my own, fueled by a vision of serving clients in a way that aligned with my values and principles.
The barriers to seeking out financial advice from a third party
Marie eats lunch every other month with some old college friends. The table small talk usually centers around their jobs, their partners, their kids and the still remarkable fact that they aren’t thirty anymore.
How can you determine if your aging parents have enough savings to fund their silver years?
The term sandwich generation — first coined by two social workers in the 1980s — may sound light-hearted but the responsibilities of those who are caring for both parents and children can often feel like a vice grip.
Expectations vs reality when working with your financial advisor
It happens every year. In January, we make our resolutions. They may be small ones but most often they are sweeping. We are going to lose 20 pounds, completely declutter our house or learn Spanish in 30 days so we can chat with the locals on Spring Break.
How much time do you spend per month monitoring your personal/family finances?
In life, we prioritize the things we enjoy doing. Spending time with family and friends, date nights, community service – these are all things that bring us joy.
How Women Can Stay Financially Grounded Through Divorce
Divorce is an enormous life event. It is sad, it is stressful, and it is a time in which both parties are not operating at 100 percent of their skills and abilities. Your time, attention, and focus are, understandably, reduced.